About The Artist

Photo by Emily Barlow

Silvie Ruscombe-King is a self-taught artist working predominantly in oils. She loves to capture the beauty of normality in her work, and hates writing about herself in the third person.

Hi! I’m Silvie, an oil painter based in Bude, North Cornwall. Raised in a cottage in the middle of nowhere, my artwork is often inspired by the rural landscape that surrounds me. I enjoy painting quiet, mundane moments as a way to appreciate the little joys in life.

Cornwall’s reputation as a sunny and idyllic holiday destination is understandable - there’s no denying the beauty of Bude’s beaches on a summer’s day - but I’m interested in capturing the everyday reality of living here year-round. The stormy winter skies above the rugged coastline; the browns and greys of the hedgerows in autumn; the hopeful yellow-green foliage of spring.

For the six warmest months of the year, I work from a makeshift studio (a greenhouse) in my parents’ garden. Grass manages to grow through the concrete floor and I am often accompanied by an assortment of snails, ladybirds and spiders, but nothing brings me more joy than the freedom to splash paint around in my own dedicated art space. Come winter, the greenhouse returns to its intended use and my art practice shifts from oil paintings on canvas to smaller sketchbook experiments. In a way, I suppose this strange studio set up allows me to work even more closely with the seasons.